Copernicus and Italy

Copernicus and Italy

Corona magnorum virorum et artificum: a revolutionary astronomer in the cradle of Humanism


28-30 September 2023
Rome, Italy
The meeting, in collaboration with the Istituto Polacco, the Universities of Rome Sapienza, Bologna, Ferrara and Padua, the patronage of Accademia dei Lincei and of the Società Astronomica Italiana (SAIt), will be held in Rome on 28-30 September 2023.

The conference – inspired by the passage in Rheticus’ Narratio Prima that describes his teacher in Rome surrounded by artists and scholars – will focus on the multi-faceted relations between Copernicus and Italy, that is, considered in their wide and inter-related biographical, historical, cultural and scientific aspects.


deadline for abstract submission 21 May 2023


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